Miscarriage and Loss Support

First, let us offer you some grace and compassion during this time in your journey. We are sending you love and wishing you well.

End-of-Pregnancy Doula Support

During your consultation, we will talk about your options are to ensure the most comfortable transition. You’ll have unlimited informational support through texting or calling your doula. Your doula will also provide any Labor support at home and Birth/Procedure support at home or in hospital along with our standard postpartum care.


Immediate After-Care

We help you meet your needs, listen to your concerns, and set realistic expectations with you. With a doula by your side, your questions will be answered and your voice will be heard. We’ll help you navigate through the many options available to you.

Herbal Support

As you grow and connect with your body, natural herbal supplements can be important for you to consider. We will follow your lead by replenishing you with healing herbs in the Southern Black tradition.

Grief Counseling

If you are seeking support after your experience, we will connect you with the best specialists in your area. Restore yourself with peace and understanding.


Unlimited Informational Support

We want to help you process this difficult time and hold space for healing. Your doula is waiting on your phone call or text.


After-Care Enrichment

Immediately after your loss, we want to talk about your experience. Navigating herbal support, caring for yourself and your loved one’s is on our radar. The Well is full of resources, references, and referrals necessary for your journey.